Thursday, March 17, 2005

What must we do?

undoubtedly ,İRAN is at a critical period of it's historyThe security and political conditions of world ,particularly Middle East and Persian gulf region,critical situation of İran's society at present ,general deadlock and possible social collapse,demands our immediate action for salvation of İran.Althou the rulers relying on military,security and judiciary forces will not abadon the power with any cost even destruction of a nation,but today's conditions are very different from the sixties;Majority of iranians are dissatisfied and don't willing to obey these demagogue,the government has no internal legitimacy and international acceptibility,as a terrorist group and a murderer band have black and infamous reportcard of unhumane actions and also have grave records of human rights violations,a security complex and is essential obstacle to peace and stability of the sensitive region of Middle east,is the main material ,financial ,propagandistic and weaponry supporter of terrorist network.effort it's to gain nuclear weapon and mass killing armament seriously jeoparadize İran's security and national interests.By grace of communication possibilities and mass media abilities the free world is aware of our people's demands and support it.Dictators are annihilating one after another,the world has changed.We can cause fundamental and sructural changes in the country with relying on all methods that we consider as our lawful rights.İt is the proper time that intellectual and political forces,all the individuals that are attached to motherland,all the parties ,freedom-loving iranians,all the patriots inside and outside the country,all the cultural and literary men and women that want a secure ,prosperous,powerful and democrat İran,those that want a secure and free world for all the humans,all gather together and unite and reach a destiny-making decision.Our common principals could be respect for worldwide human values especially universal declaration of human rights ,freedom of choice and destiny- determining right for all the iranians.We can reach a general agreement by our collective wisdom in regard to İran's fate and our future.Our serious efforts and actions for creation of a free atomospher to deciding our fate are reasonable and acceptibale in view of the world.Under these circumstances all iranians by a public talk and by means of free choice could choose methods and styles of their's life.The primary and necessary condition to reach to this point is destruction of religious dictatorship system and building of a new and modern political structure by ourselves.

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