Friday, March 18, 2005


Really what must we do?millions of iranians have been changed to a burnt generation.Exact description of what had been done during the rulership of this extermist,fundamentalist,terrorist ,terrorist-nourisher,anti-God and human Mullahs is nothing but destruction of mental and physical substructures of a historic nation ,a deeply rooted culture and a country in way of progress ,developement and industrialization.Public atomospher is unusual and abnormal at present.Disconnection of social relations have reached to a critical point;collection of moral and psychological abnormalities and accumulated unanswered demands in addition to desperateness and deep rage of our people will lead to an eruption that would have unforseen results.This wooden and worn out hut will collapse.İ think this collapstion will be surprising and disasterous.The main question is that ,why a bunch of mullahs must so masquerade with destiny of a nation ,security of the region and peace and stability of the world?İn era of media,revolutionary developements in genetic science,flight of man to distant places of the cosmos and in this modern and civilized world some ignorant mullahs consider themselves as representatives of God and are preaching their superstitions with utmost impudence.This terrorist minority easily don't yield to our demands but the power is fragile and flimsy.The whole nation is completely detached from the ruling group and they are looking for an opportunity to punish these criminals.The Mullahs will be eliminated quickly (such as Taleban)in front of a united action from in and out.They are not capable to suppress such a spread and general protestations.Free world will support freedom-loving mouvement of İran and defend us.The first and necessary condition to reach this point is formation of a great coalition on basis of national reconciliation and solidarity,collective agreement for decision-making regarding the future of İran.Surely,national interests,territorial integerity,independence and democratic system are principals for this coalition.This lawful and legitimate coalition could be an acceptible alternative to this regime in view of the world.After this,the priority is that Mullahs 'file regarding obvious violations of human rights ,supporting of terrorism and its access(its effort to gain)to nuclear weapons be set forth at international societies and authorities especially at United nations security council agenda.Secondly ,all the efforts must be concentrated to move dissatisfied and protesting masses on basis of civil disobedience and non-violence sruggle that have acceptibility and also involveing minimum costs.İranians will not be indifferent if hear a uniqe voice from the exiled opposition.Different social groups such as students,teachers,workers and especially unemployed army are ready to take practical actions.They are potential forces that represent all classes of society in general definition and during the recent years have been involving in many protestations.Unfortunately ,dispersion and division of forces are reasons for discouragement and non-activity of internal dissident groups.With opponents alliance and with denial of regime's entirety with unremitting fight for fundamental changes we can gain international support.Then a great developement will occur and our goal(freedom of iran)will be fulfilled.The better day is ours and is tomorrow.Only we must believe it and stand up.

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