Monday, March 21, 2005


The world changed after 11th of September.A turning point in contemporary history,a beginning for new epoch of global order and establishment of a modern balance of power.Alqaeda's terrorirsts hijacked passenger airplaines and regardlees of least human feelings stricked Twin towers in New york.Thousands of innocent human burnt in fire of ignorance and illogical prejudices of murderers.The United states of America ,best and great model of democracu and co-existence of races ,leader of free world,freedom stronghold,the land of Free and home of Braves,axis of modern world was attacked in its home.İt was declaration of war.The world reacted quickly.positions were clear.Commanders and agents of crime were known.A terrorist and islamic extermist group by help of fanatic religious government of Taleban has built training camps in Afghanistan and formed terror chains all over the world.They were in secret fight against the pillars of civilized world.A great menace to peace and stability of our globe.President Bush reacted decisively;forming a powerful coalition and America was ready to war.Afghanistan,a poor and war-stricken country was one of the main bases of terrorism.The camps of Taleban and Alqaede were pounded severly.The nightmare of Afghan'childs and women were finished in one night.An interim government by leadership of Ahmad karzai that was a liberal and democrat man was formed.The afghans,after years of civil war reached to historic point of agreement and understanding for national reconciliation and began recostruction of war -raged hom by help of international community.Now,considerable progress is done and important developements are under way.Some dangers threating this process:İnterference of neighboring countries such İran and Pakistan through supporting depending groups and give shelter to terrorists,tribal and ethnical forms and its old conflicts,local mutinous commanders and their obstinacy,public illiteracy,destructed substructures of society,homelessness of millions of afghans,some differences in ruling parties,lack of complete security for performance of reconstruction plans,scaterred sabotages by remnants of Taleban are factors that prevent speedy move of process to creation of modern Afghanistan. Surely,these obstacles will be removed .The people of Afghanistan has chosen their new way and bright prospective is show itself.An democratic and secure afghanistan is in benefit of region and the world.

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