Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Massacre of political prisoners(1367=1989)a crime against humanity

Thousands of political prisoners that were captive in dungeons of mullahs,were martyred in complete silence of the outside world and with cruelty of criminal Mullahs.They were sacrificed heroicly to prove rightfulness of their cause.They were pure,honest and innocent youth attached to all political groups and parties(mojahedeen,democrat,marxist and freedom-loving mouvement)that resisted bravely against this bloodthirsty dragon.The Mullahs were aware that these tortured and faithful men and women never resign themselves to this imposed fate created by a bunch of ignorant,prejudiced and tyrant.The clergy government policies in the prisons could be known as an exact model of their unhuman program that were executed systematically and violently and with larger dimensions in the country.During the sixties, atomospher of fear and terror was dominant in İran.At this time ,those imprisoned devotees were struggling against this black Ogre face to face.They were under brutal torture individually and collectivelly,scorged,squated in iron cage for mounths,forgotten in solitary cell for years,fainted under bıows of whip,starved,deprived of fresh air breathing,crucified,but did not agree to pronounce Mullahs satanic verses even by force of bayonet and gallows rope,They opposed and resisted unhumane repentance making program.They were blind folded but saw beyond the horisons,were undre chain but wanted to be free all humans from fetters,were allied,united,companion and treat each other brotherly,were living in equality and comradeship and were loyal to their holy ideals.Their aspiration was abolition of oppression and tyrany in the world,theirs weapon was pen and thought.For a prisoner,deprivation of freedom is the biggest crime against human being,they wished a world to be freed,they wanted to kindle fires on the hight of mountains,they were mourning for amorously mort of Siavash and sorrowful death of Sohrab,were enraged for dastardly murder of Rostam.They had in mind rising of Mazdak,had seen Shahrabanou in captivity,had cried for killing of Babak,had praised bravery of Jallaladin,and clearly recalled martyer of SOUR-ESRAFİL and execution of Mojahedin-fadaii comrades on Evins hills.their symbols were EMAM HOSSEİN AND CHEGwARA.Murderous Mullahs hanged our comrades cruelly and in their impure hallucination relieved themselves of political prisoners problem.This merciless pogrom was committed by direct order of khomeiny the headsman and with collaboration of present leader of regime.İt is an undeniable and based document that could prove atrocity.violence and devilish-being of this barbarous Mullahs.They must answer for it,soon or late.İ HOPE.

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