Thursday, March 17, 2005


The united states of america is engaged in an international war against terrorism,important changes are taking place around our country and we are waiting for disintegration as an obliterated island.Surely ,we the iranians can guide the country in the right way as to be our public demand and to be proportionate with universal developement trend.Governmental reformists are going through their final shaking steps to the end of their project for survival of the so-called islamic republic.İranians are living in general crisis,are drowned in material difficulties and sinking in a swamp of disappointment and silence and unfortunately have resorted to their ancient tradition ;fate and deadly immovability.The poverty,unemployment,social crisis especially behavior abnormalities,corruption and prostitution,epidemic addiction,disintegration of cultural substructures,economic problems,financial chaos arising from administrative corruption(embezzlement,bribetaking,nepotism),political and religious despotism are results of illogical and irreasonable policies of a bunch of aged,decrepit,fogyish and murderer Mullahs.What responsibilities of those that understand,know and want to change this situation?İranians have clear and specific demands;democracy,freedom,prosperity and security.They are immovable but will enter in the field explosively in case of an event.Any thoughtful human that is aware of ordinary people's life and kind of their views could not stay indifferent towards this situation and destructive consequences of it.The point is that unavoidable changes are underway and we must prepare ourselves in regard of it.Asuperpower is preoccupied in fight with terrorism network and also have long-termplans for the region,from the other part declared iran as a member of evil's axis,and with attention to our past relation and present challenges critical point will come to happen.We must consider this impotrtant fact and prepare us for the final encounter.İt is clear that our main and essencial enemy is government of Mullahs and all efforts must be focus on overthrow of this regime,but we also must do it with minimum cost.Therefore,it is necessary to take clear position and step.This is a vital point.Our ideals are:freedom in general meaning,tolerance,respect to human rights and in one word better life for all humans.We don't want to be separate from the world.İt is the case of seventy millions human of iran.We are anxious, the crices are deepened day by day.There is no clear and promising prospective.This situatipn is abnormal,unhumane,intolerable and imposing.The world is going toward the unity of thought,practice and tool.We want rightful and deserving place in this historic process.We must not ignore the realities .The general problems of İRAN pave the way for a great protest and an explosive rage that soon or late we shall witness it.AN ERUPTİON .

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