Monday, March 21, 2005


The world changed after 11th of September.A turning point in contemporary history,a beginning for new epoch of global order and establishment of a modern balance of power.Alqaeda's terrorirsts hijacked passenger airplaines and regardlees of least human feelings stricked Twin towers in New york.Thousands of innocent human burnt in fire of ignorance and illogical prejudices of murderers.The United states of America ,best and great model of democracu and co-existence of races ,leader of free world,freedom stronghold,the land of Free and home of Braves,axis of modern world was attacked in its home.İt was declaration of war.The world reacted quickly.positions were clear.Commanders and agents of crime were known.A terrorist and islamic extermist group by help of fanatic religious government of Taleban has built training camps in Afghanistan and formed terror chains all over the world.They were in secret fight against the pillars of civilized world.A great menace to peace and stability of our globe.President Bush reacted decisively;forming a powerful coalition and America was ready to war.Afghanistan,a poor and war-stricken country was one of the main bases of terrorism.The camps of Taleban and Alqaede were pounded severly.The nightmare of Afghan'childs and women were finished in one night.An interim government by leadership of Ahmad karzai that was a liberal and democrat man was formed.The afghans,after years of civil war reached to historic point of agreement and understanding for national reconciliation and began recostruction of war -raged hom by help of international community.Now,considerable progress is done and important developements are under way.Some dangers threating this process:İnterference of neighboring countries such İran and Pakistan through supporting depending groups and give shelter to terrorists,tribal and ethnical forms and its old conflicts,local mutinous commanders and their obstinacy,public illiteracy,destructed substructures of society,homelessness of millions of afghans,some differences in ruling parties,lack of complete security for performance of reconstruction plans,scaterred sabotages by remnants of Taleban are factors that prevent speedy move of process to creation of modern Afghanistan. Surely,these obstacles will be removed .The people of Afghanistan has chosen their new way and bright prospective is show itself.An democratic and secure afghanistan is in benefit of region and the world.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Really what must we do?millions of iranians have been changed to a burnt generation.Exact description of what had been done during the rulership of this extermist,fundamentalist,terrorist ,terrorist-nourisher,anti-God and human Mullahs is nothing but destruction of mental and physical substructures of a historic nation ,a deeply rooted culture and a country in way of progress ,developement and industrialization.Public atomospher is unusual and abnormal at present.Disconnection of social relations have reached to a critical point;collection of moral and psychological abnormalities and accumulated unanswered demands in addition to desperateness and deep rage of our people will lead to an eruption that would have unforseen results.This wooden and worn out hut will collapse.İ think this collapstion will be surprising and disasterous.The main question is that ,why a bunch of mullahs must so masquerade with destiny of a nation ,security of the region and peace and stability of the world?İn era of media,revolutionary developements in genetic science,flight of man to distant places of the cosmos and in this modern and civilized world some ignorant mullahs consider themselves as representatives of God and are preaching their superstitions with utmost impudence.This terrorist minority easily don't yield to our demands but the power is fragile and flimsy.The whole nation is completely detached from the ruling group and they are looking for an opportunity to punish these criminals.The Mullahs will be eliminated quickly (such as Taleban)in front of a united action from in and out.They are not capable to suppress such a spread and general protestations.Free world will support freedom-loving mouvement of İran and defend us.The first and necessary condition to reach this point is formation of a great coalition on basis of national reconciliation and solidarity,collective agreement for decision-making regarding the future of İran.Surely,national interests,territorial integerity,independence and democratic system are principals for this coalition.This lawful and legitimate coalition could be an acceptible alternative to this regime in view of the world.After this,the priority is that Mullahs 'file regarding obvious violations of human rights ,supporting of terrorism and its access(its effort to gain)to nuclear weapons be set forth at international societies and authorities especially at United nations security council agenda.Secondly ,all the efforts must be concentrated to move dissatisfied and protesting masses on basis of civil disobedience and non-violence sruggle that have acceptibility and also involveing minimum costs.İranians will not be indifferent if hear a uniqe voice from the exiled opposition.Different social groups such as students,teachers,workers and especially unemployed army are ready to take practical actions.They are potential forces that represent all classes of society in general definition and during the recent years have been involving in many protestations.Unfortunately ,dispersion and division of forces are reasons for discouragement and non-activity of internal dissident groups.With opponents alliance and with denial of regime's entirety with unremitting fight for fundamental changes we can gain international support.Then a great developement will occur and our goal(freedom of iran)will be fulfilled.The better day is ours and is tomorrow.Only we must believe it and stand up.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


The united states of america is engaged in an international war against terrorism,important changes are taking place around our country and we are waiting for disintegration as an obliterated island.Surely ,we the iranians can guide the country in the right way as to be our public demand and to be proportionate with universal developement trend.Governmental reformists are going through their final shaking steps to the end of their project for survival of the so-called islamic republic.İranians are living in general crisis,are drowned in material difficulties and sinking in a swamp of disappointment and silence and unfortunately have resorted to their ancient tradition ;fate and deadly immovability.The poverty,unemployment,social crisis especially behavior abnormalities,corruption and prostitution,epidemic addiction,disintegration of cultural substructures,economic problems,financial chaos arising from administrative corruption(embezzlement,bribetaking,nepotism),political and religious despotism are results of illogical and irreasonable policies of a bunch of aged,decrepit,fogyish and murderer Mullahs.What responsibilities of those that understand,know and want to change this situation?İranians have clear and specific demands;democracy,freedom,prosperity and security.They are immovable but will enter in the field explosively in case of an event.Any thoughtful human that is aware of ordinary people's life and kind of their views could not stay indifferent towards this situation and destructive consequences of it.The point is that unavoidable changes are underway and we must prepare ourselves in regard of it.Asuperpower is preoccupied in fight with terrorism network and also have long-termplans for the region,from the other part declared iran as a member of evil's axis,and with attention to our past relation and present challenges critical point will come to happen.We must consider this impotrtant fact and prepare us for the final encounter.İt is clear that our main and essencial enemy is government of Mullahs and all efforts must be focus on overthrow of this regime,but we also must do it with minimum cost.Therefore,it is necessary to take clear position and step.This is a vital point.Our ideals are:freedom in general meaning,tolerance,respect to human rights and in one word better life for all humans.We don't want to be separate from the world.İt is the case of seventy millions human of iran.We are anxious, the crices are deepened day by day.There is no clear and promising prospective.This situatipn is abnormal,unhumane,intolerable and imposing.The world is going toward the unity of thought,practice and tool.We want rightful and deserving place in this historic process.We must not ignore the realities .The general problems of İRAN pave the way for a great protest and an explosive rage that soon or late we shall witness it.AN ERUPTİON .

What must we do?

undoubtedly ,İRAN is at a critical period of it's historyThe security and political conditions of world ,particularly Middle East and Persian gulf region,critical situation of İran's society at present ,general deadlock and possible social collapse,demands our immediate action for salvation of İran.Althou the rulers relying on military,security and judiciary forces will not abadon the power with any cost even destruction of a nation,but today's conditions are very different from the sixties;Majority of iranians are dissatisfied and don't willing to obey these demagogue,the government has no internal legitimacy and international acceptibility,as a terrorist group and a murderer band have black and infamous reportcard of unhumane actions and also have grave records of human rights violations,a security complex and is essential obstacle to peace and stability of the sensitive region of Middle east,is the main material ,financial ,propagandistic and weaponry supporter of terrorist network.effort it's to gain nuclear weapon and mass killing armament seriously jeoparadize İran's security and national interests.By grace of communication possibilities and mass media abilities the free world is aware of our people's demands and support it.Dictators are annihilating one after another,the world has changed.We can cause fundamental and sructural changes in the country with relying on all methods that we consider as our lawful rights.İt is the proper time that intellectual and political forces,all the individuals that are attached to motherland,all the parties ,freedom-loving iranians,all the patriots inside and outside the country,all the cultural and literary men and women that want a secure ,prosperous,powerful and democrat İran,those that want a secure and free world for all the humans,all gather together and unite and reach a destiny-making decision.Our common principals could be respect for worldwide human values especially universal declaration of human rights ,freedom of choice and destiny- determining right for all the iranians.We can reach a general agreement by our collective wisdom in regard to İran's fate and our future.Our serious efforts and actions for creation of a free atomospher to deciding our fate are reasonable and acceptibale in view of the world.Under these circumstances all iranians by a public talk and by means of free choice could choose methods and styles of their's life.The primary and necessary condition to reach to this point is destruction of religious dictatorship system and building of a new and modern political structure by ourselves.


İt is a sensitive question that i will to find an answer for it according to my opinion.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Massacre of political prisoners(1367=1989)a crime against humanity

Thousands of political prisoners that were captive in dungeons of mullahs,were martyred in complete silence of the outside world and with cruelty of criminal Mullahs.They were sacrificed heroicly to prove rightfulness of their cause.They were pure,honest and innocent youth attached to all political groups and parties(mojahedeen,democrat,marxist and freedom-loving mouvement)that resisted bravely against this bloodthirsty dragon.The Mullahs were aware that these tortured and faithful men and women never resign themselves to this imposed fate created by a bunch of ignorant,prejudiced and tyrant.The clergy government policies in the prisons could be known as an exact model of their unhuman program that were executed systematically and violently and with larger dimensions in the country.During the sixties, atomospher of fear and terror was dominant in İran.At this time ,those imprisoned devotees were struggling against this black Ogre face to face.They were under brutal torture individually and collectivelly,scorged,squated in iron cage for mounths,forgotten in solitary cell for years,fainted under bıows of whip,starved,deprived of fresh air breathing,crucified,but did not agree to pronounce Mullahs satanic verses even by force of bayonet and gallows rope,They opposed and resisted unhumane repentance making program.They were blind folded but saw beyond the horisons,were undre chain but wanted to be free all humans from fetters,were allied,united,companion and treat each other brotherly,were living in equality and comradeship and were loyal to their holy ideals.Their aspiration was abolition of oppression and tyrany in the world,theirs weapon was pen and thought.For a prisoner,deprivation of freedom is the biggest crime against human being,they wished a world to be freed,they wanted to kindle fires on the hight of mountains,they were mourning for amorously mort of Siavash and sorrowful death of Sohrab,were enraged for dastardly murder of Rostam.They had in mind rising of Mazdak,had seen Shahrabanou in captivity,had cried for killing of Babak,had praised bravery of Jallaladin,and clearly recalled martyer of SOUR-ESRAFİL and execution of Mojahedin-fadaii comrades on Evins hills.their symbols were EMAM HOSSEİN AND CHEGwARA.Murderous Mullahs hanged our comrades cruelly and in their impure hallucination relieved themselves of political prisoners problem.This merciless pogrom was committed by direct order of khomeiny the headsman and with collaboration of present leader of regime.İt is an undeniable and based document that could prove atrocity.violence and devilish-being of this barbarous Mullahs.They must answer for it,soon or late.İ HOPE.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

To a foiled European revolutionaire(WALT WHİTMAN)

courage yet,my brother or my sister!keep-on liberty is to be subserved whatever occurs; That is nothing that is quelled by one or two failures,or any number of failures,or by the indifference or ingratitude of the people,or by any unfaithfullness,or the show of tushes of power,soldiers,canon, penal statutes . What we believe in waits latent forever through all the conditions,invites no one ,promises nothing,sits in calmness and light,is positive and comeposed,knows no discouragement,waiting patiently,waiting its time.(not songs of loyalty alone are these ,but songs of insurrection also,for i am the sworn poet of evrery dauntless rebel the world over,and he going with me leaves peace and routine behind him,and stakes his life to be lost at any moment.)The battle rages with many a load alarm and frequent advance and retreat,The infidel triumphs,or supposes he triumphs,The prison,scaffold,garrote,handcuffs,iron necklace and lead-balls do their work,The named and unnamed heroes passe other spheres,the great speakers and writers are exiled,They lies sick in distant lands,The cause is asleep,The strongest throats are choked with their own blood.The young men droop their eyelashes toward ground when they meet;But for all this liberty hasnot gone out of the place,not the infidel entered into the full possession .When liberty goes out of a place it is not the first to go,not the second or third to go,it waits for all the rest to go,it is the last .When there are no memories of heroes and martyrs,And when all life and all the souls of men and women are discharged from that part of the earth,then shall liberty or the idea of liberty be discharged from that part of the earth and the infidel come into full possession .Then courage EUROPEAN REVOLTER, REVOLTRESS !For till all ceases neither must you cease.İ dont know what you are for(i dont know what i am for myself,and what anything is for,)But i will search carefully for it even in being foiled in defeat,poverty,misconception,imprisonment-for they too are great.Did we think victory great?So it is -but now it seems to me ,when it cant be helped that defeat is great,and that death and dismay are great. (1819-1892)-walt Whitman.