Monday, August 08, 2005

The end of a nightmare and beginning of iranian renaissance

The middle ages were a dreadful exprience of religious dictatorship that resulted in era of enlightenment and advent of human power in use of thought,reason and science.But today,in the time of man freedom and peoples democracies we witness again recurrence of that black age in our society.The Mullahs by misuse of religious historical minds of our nation and by applying of propagandistics methods built a cruel theocracy and another time the clergies pastorized the immature and obedient masses.Without doubt,such an exprience,however costly and tragic produced gradually the bed for appearing of an iranian renaissance.Mullah's function drew such a rough and inhuman picture of religion and God for us that our duty was clear toward the religion forever and today ,a silent but poweful and modernist movement is forming and is going to be an end to this nightmare and be outset to arrive in a new world.For the first time the religious forces took possession of power and religion and its efficiency was experimented in managing of a country.Now,we witness its results that only could be described as a catastrophe.This period in evolutionary trend of history is starting point for iranian human to control its destiny apart from the metaphysics.İn this new process unsolved conflicts and permanent contradictions such as:security and democracy,religion and state,tradition and modernism,individual freedoms and divine destiny will be solved in the course of an objective exprience.This old system will be collapsed and a new order will be formed on basis of essentials and principles of democracy,establishment of law,individual freedom and independence and convergency with the today's world.İt is unavoidable process and is history predestination.