Monday, February 14, 2005

Nightmare of MullAHS(2)

The Mullahs entered the field with physical elimination of opponents from the very outset:execution of armys high-ranking officers and prime minister Howaida,collective killings by KhALKHALİ,suppression of rightful uprising of Kurds people,cultural invasion to burn roots of thought tree,stupefication of masses with unreal slogans and false propaganda,misuse of people religious feelings ,massacre of conscious prisoners,imposition of anti-patriotic war ,fostering and export of terrorism and violence,social similarization and separating women from the men contrary to human nature,dissemination of tears,grief and black-wearing culture,enmity to feast,joy and animation,replacement of schools to training garrisons for eulogy of mullahs and educating hatred and detestation.Then ,after years of war and imposition of heavy human and material expenses drunk poison cup and ordered surrender decree and engaged in treacherous dealing,with fostering of terrorist groups did hostage-taking and demanded blackmail,formed a frightful band and assasinated dissidents,seized national resources,committed a comprehensive and general genocide.They were enemy of İRan and freedom.Alas,they get access to imperial palaces and usurped king's thrones.And now.what we see and what is the result?A poor,unsatisfied,silent,tired,protesting,dissappointed,deppressed,isolated nation on the edge of explosion and collapse,deprived of happiness ,light,kindness,colour;Yes ,this is product of clergy government.Really a reactionary minority,desperated our wishes to reach a free,democratic and human society and in one word they are main causer of our calamities and opposer of better life for iran nation.

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