Monday, February 14, 2005

Nightmare of MuLLAHS (1)

We were youth and in search of knowledge.There was period of revolt,disobedience,enthusiasm and revolution.A group of pure and honest youth of homeland were thinking about establishment of a new society on basis of brothership and equality.Those days,freedom wars were underway for peoples emancipation from dictatorship,oppression and injustice,for salvation of massesof proltariat,farmers,miners and all deprived and toilings throughout the world,for realization of justice,liberty and formation of a society without class,for abolition of exploitation and bondage.We learned the marxism in Behrangys books,the sruggle by little black fish and the protest in sensational outcry of Dr.SHARİATY.tHE SEASON OF CHANGE ARRİVED,THE COLD AND DULL WİNTER WAS COMİNG TO END BY PASSİON AND FERVOUR OF THOUSANDS OF iRANİAN YOUTHS.We promised freedom and auspiciousness of the springs in our songs.We pictured centuries of insurgence,revolt and comradeship in our cries for deliverance of human.Wewanted to create an UTOPİA.İt was era of love.amity,peace,self-sacrifice and devotion.Our AriAİİ LAND,birthplace of zardasht,mazdak and babak,mourningplace of siavash and tahmineh,those plains full of tulip,anemone and narcissus,these highlands,roaring rivers,this blue and lofty sky,this perfumed earth was coming to a new era of its glorious and ancient history.ALAS,OH:Evil Ahrimans had in mind sinister plans for destruction of this evergreen flowergarden.They declared war against us with applying of force,gold and guile,talked of Shiite,Hossein and Alavi justice,used pure chants of a revolutionary generation and seized our revolution,took thousands of students ,teachers,pupils and freedom -lovings to their dungeon and executed them under name of belligerant of God,Set up gallows,built torture-places and enforced repentance-making proggram,had in one hand Koran and in other hand whip,sentenced to death anyone that wasnot obedient to them,were cruel and brutal,were ZahhKS WİTH SNAKES ON İTS SHOULDERS THAT EMERGED İN THİS TİME AGAİN AND FED ON PİTH AND BLOOD OF iRANİAN youth to attain their melancholic fancies,took a nation under chains and fetters,misled our people and imposed an anti-people war over our homeland,under name of exporting islamic revolution and with aggressiveness wont of Saddam,gabbled about capture of Karbala and freedom of Qods and ruined our material and human capitals.They were enemies of thought ,brightness,light,knowledge and love.Destroyed the gardens,burnt books,broke the pens,put out the candles,forbade the happiness.They were messengers of blackness,death and grief.The head-turbaned devils ,bloodthirsty Mullahs usurped our divine homeland......

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