Friday, February 04, 2005

The messengers of Satan

The mullahs have done countless crimes against our nation and the world during their unlawful rule:Building of an unhuman system based on prejudise,hate and violence,mental and physical elimination of dissidents,suppression of all political,social and cultural groups and parties,imprisonment of thousands of youths and massacre of them collectiveily and individually,sepsrating two parts of human entity and discrimination against women,plunder of national riches and sources and use of it for fostering and issue of terrorism,isolation of our historic country,propagation of war,tension and violence against the outside world.Now we are witnessing the results of their illogical and unreasonable policies:Destruction of a flourishing country ,absolute poverty of majority of our people,general corruption and prostitution,addiction of our youths to narcotics,unempıoyment,social abnormalities and now great threats to territorial integrity and national interests.İn short,a poor,frustrated,indifferent,tired nation with uncertain future is product of these fogyish mullahs rule.Millions of iranian are filled with rage and hate toward mullahs,but they are silent.This group of ignorant and fundamentalists and really turbaned-devils,bewitched our nation.They are killers of thought,enemy of light,brightness and hope,obliterators of joy,happiness and greeness.They consider themselves as representatives of God but they are messengers of Satan that so occupied my divine homeland and are imposing a dark destiny over this land of braves.They are ANTİ-CHRİST and ANTİ-HUMAN.

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