Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Microsoft Word - IsMathReadingTheMindOfGod.doc - IsMathReadingTheMindOfGod.pdf

Microsoft Word - IsMathReadingTheMindOfGod.doc - IsMathReadingTheMindOfGod.pdf

After all, if nature is essentially a mathematical construction
then there is hope that we can crack the code and understand all that exists.
This is the hope of scientists and mathematicians
whom we can call Platonists, who believe that slowly but surely,
we can understand all the mathematical equations and relations in nature
to achieve a state of knowing everything, a totality of knowledge
or theory of everything.

Of course, if you believe instead that mathematics
is an invention of an intelligent mind, you
may wonder whether other potential intelligences, say smart aliens,
will have the same mathematics that we do.
If they did, then it would certainly support the idea
that mathematics is a kind of universal language
and that any sufficiently smart intelligence would end up.