Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Microsoft Word - IsMathematicsDiscoveredOrInvented.doc - IsMathematicsDiscoveredOrInvented.pdf

Microsoft Word - IsMathematicsDiscoveredOrInvented.doc - IsMathematicsDiscoveredOrInvented.pdf

Many pure mathematicians believe that mathematics
is the only absolute truth that exists and that the pursuit
of mathematical equations and proving theorems
is a way of connecting with the deepest essence of reality.

The linguist George Lakoff from the University of California Berkeley
would say that mathematics is embodied in the human brain,
that it really is dependent on how our brain evolved
from our primate ancestors to Homo sapiens.

This is the origin of the question, is mathematics invented or is it

but one thing is certain, that without mathematics we couldn't
describe reality scientifically.
Mathematics may or may not be the language of nature,
but it is certainly the language we use to describe nature.