Monday, December 28, 2009

Critical situation in Iran

Today ,everyone of us has a personal and national responsibility to do what he/she is able to do. The power of Khamenei is not more than late king.we have this kind of experience;1979 revolution,war with Iraq,dark years of sixthy decade ,we have the bravest boys and girls that are faithful to liberation of Iran and ready to sacrifice themselves for sake of this holy cause,the international treaties are in favour of us. we have the support of all freedom-loving people around the world.all international media show our struggle we are standing at the right place.we struggle against a barbaric regime.we fight for freedom of man. We the iranian are united in support of green matter we are reformist,republican,Mojahed,communist,religious ,secular ,monachist. It is the will of people that wins this battle. If the IRGC wants to crush us by martial law and military forces we have our strong points.we are a united nation. my brothers,my sisters:the green movement is under the hardest pressure till now.we have to act But we wont be afraid of all this show of power by IRGC.we have to challenge this brutal regime inside and outside .Everything is possible:arrest of green leaders,mass killings of prisoners,bloody suppression of any protest. we are victorious because we are just.