Thursday, June 25, 2009

If anyone think that mollahs yield to our demands by peaceful means ,he/she is very far from the reality in Iran.I am in favor of peaceful protests but it does not work here in iran.Here,the answer for your question is a bullet in heart or club on head.What I have seen during these days is an open evidence of savagery by those that I never call them human. brutality in name of God!For me that belong to the past generation,it's all normal and we're used to it.If interested ,please go to sixty's decade in Iran.I try to tell you that this regime from the beginning of it's rule stayed in power only by killings, fear,crime and lie in name of Islam.I hate this Islam that killed thousands of my brothers and sisters,raped my young sisters in prison (yes,they did this as a religious order).Khomeini that Mr.mousavi claims is the Imam,was a crazy old man that ordered the mass execution of political prisoners.I call him a crazy and am right.Please listen to his speeches and then make a fair jugement.YES,THIS CRIMINAL BUNCH OF MOLLAHS MUST BE PUNISHED FOR ALL INJUSTICE AND CRUELTIES THAT HAVE DONE .SO,DO NOT BE SIMPLE-MINDED.I, like the others hope that Iran nation reach to it's desired goal by low-cost activities but my knowledge tells me it is impossible.Let's be honest with ourselves.Mousavi! I appreciate your resistance but you want to keep this unhuman system and save it from collapse.You must be aware of the feelings of youngs on the street,they hate this clerical regime,but they voted to you gave them a ray of hope ,think you may be able to change the system a lot in favor of ,we all see the results.I as an iranian ordinary human apart from my own ideological viewpoint support this movement that is a new revolution to change the fate and also support you as a man that our nation have voted to But you have to accept your historical role in this hard time.If you act bravely and detached yourself from all these nonsense that MOllahs have told us during these 30 years ,then it is a chance that you lead this freedom movement and be a national hero in our history.THe nation has trusted you and we respect Iran nation will .We wait....