Sunday, March 04, 2007

Armed struggle

The satanic group of Mullahs have done countless crimes against the people of this Ariaii land and for three decades we have been engaged in all methods of struggle to liberate Iran from the rule of this occupant devil but for many reasons we could not reach our holy ideal.In the first years of rulership of Mullahs some organizations resort to arms and fought but for the internal conditions of that time the Mullahs suppressed the oppositions and stayed in power.We have also seen the fate of reformists groups that wanted to make changes in framework of this religious dictatorship.Now,for many years we are witness of all kinds of oppression,tortures,imprisonment and social abnormalities as poverty,prostitution,unemployment,addiction and general collapse of social infrastructures of our homeland.The continuation of this unhumane system resulted to the all calamities of iranian nation at present.Now,all we see is disappointment,desperation,indifference and silence of afflicted masses.From the other part exiled opposions are not able to reach an agreement and make a powerful coalition for freedom of Iran.In this dark night of desperation a hero.a brave child of Baluch take arms and call for armed struggle as a only way that can defeat this bunch of criminal Mullahs. The oppressors all over the world in complicity with Mullahs call them terrorists and condemned them!For them massacre of youngs and execution of innocent humans is nothing but as a legitimate! way that Mullahs have been using during these years against freedom-loving people and always they have been silent or confirmed it,but free conscience of humans and all deperived nations of the world know that this is a freedom waragainst the criminal.anti human and God Mullahs.Above all,the oppinions of the sufferered people of Baluch and other freedom-loving iranians have to be considered important that they are the right ones to juge in this case.Sure,the other Abdolmalekiha will rise from the other parts of this old land .The better tomorrow is ours.