Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Detection of Laser Light May Signal Presence of Alien Technological Civilizations" (Today's Most Popular)

"Detection of Laser Light May Signal Presence of Alien Technological Civilizations" (Today's Most Popular)
Concentrated laser light in the universe may singal the presence of a technological civilizations that might be living on distant planets. “Think about humanity 300 hundred years from now,” said Geoffrey Marcy this past August. Marcy is currently Professor of Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, famous for discovering 70 out of the first 100 exo planets. “Suppose we set up a colony on another planet … the most likely way we will communicate with (humans on those planets) is with radio signals or light beams.” Marcy believes that there may be other civilizations in the universe that are years ahead of human society and might currently be communicating with radio signals in a network he calls a “galactic Internet.”