Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hours after death, we can still bring people back - opinion - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist

Hours after death, we can still bring people back - opinion - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist
In your book, you imply that death might be pleasant. Why do you think that?
The question is, what happens to human consciousness – the thing that makes me into who I am – when my heart stops beating and I die? From our external view, it looks like it simply disappears. But it sort of hibernates, in the same way as it does when you are given a general anaesthetic. And it comes back. I don't believe that your consciousness is annihilated when you reach the point of death. How far does it continue? I don't know. But I do know that at least in the period of time in which we can bring people back to life that entity of the human mind has not been annihilated.