Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Daily Poll --"Is the Evolution of Life Coded Into the Physical Laws of the Universe?"

The Daily Poll --"Is the Evolution of Life Coded Into the Physical Laws of the Universe?"
 In 1995, the astronomer Edward Harrison suggested in an audacious paper published in Great Britain in the "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society" that our universe was created by life forms possessing superior intellingence existing in another physical universe in which the constants of physics were finely tuned and therefore similar to our own. Harrison concluded that the very comprehensibility of the universe to the human mind is a subtle clue that the universe was designed by minds similar to our own.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hours after death, we can still bring people back - opinion - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist

Hours after death, we can still bring people back - opinion - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist
In your book, you imply that death might be pleasant. Why do you think that?
The question is, what happens to human consciousness – the thing that makes me into who I am – when my heart stops beating and I die? From our external view, it looks like it simply disappears. But it sort of hibernates, in the same way as it does when you are given a general anaesthetic. And it comes back. I don't believe that your consciousness is annihilated when you reach the point of death. How far does it continue? I don't know. But I do know that at least in the period of time in which we can bring people back to life that entity of the human mind has not been annihilated.