Tuesday, June 28, 2005

وطن نيلوفری

در چنين وحشت نما پاييز که ارغوان از بيم هرگز گل نياوردن . او بهار دل گشای روزهايی هست ديگر گون

Monday, June 27, 2005

فرصتی جديد و تاريخی

انتصاب احمدينژاد به رياست جمهوری حاصل تلاش محفل پنهان و قدرتمند درون رژيم برای يکپارچه نمودن حاکميت و نشان از تضادهای عميق درون سيستم ميباشد۰مرزها کاملآروشن شده است۰امروز تمام نيروهای ازاديخواه به اين درک تاريخی رسيده اند که تنها با سرنگوی اين رژم ضد بشری و برپايی يک سيستم مکرات است که ميتوان به خواستها و مطالبات ملت پاسخ عملی وعينی داد۰اين تحول مثبتی درروند جنبش دمکراسی خواهی وطن است.از طرف ديگر شرايط خاص جهانی و اوضاع منطقه رژيم را وادار به اتخاذ موضع شفاف در قبال مسائلی چون صلح خاورميانه و برنامه هسته ای و نبرد با تروريسم مينمايد .مسلم است که رژيم به دليل مخالفت عملی با صلح و تلاش جدی برای دستيابی به سلاح هسته ای و حمايت همه جانبه از تروريسم بين الملل در موضع ضعيف و شکننده ای قرار خواهد گرفت و ناچار به تسليم و يا مقابله بر خواهد امد که در هر دو صورت به مرز سقوط و فروپاشی ميرسد .با توجه به شرايط بحرانی و انفجار اميز داخلی و فشارهای خارجی موضع اپوزيسيون بسيار قوی و کارساز خواهد بود.مسئوليت تمام نيروهای ازاديخواه تشکيل يک ائتلاف گسترده حول محور براندازی رژيم بر اساس توافق جمعی در مورد مسئله تعيين ساختار و ماهيت سيستم سياسی اینده در يک رفراندوم ازاد و با نظارت بين المللی ميباشد.در اين صورت ملت ايران يک صدای واحد از مخالفان ميشنود و از ديگر سو جامعه جهانی يک الترناتيو قوی را نميتواند ناديده بگيرد.ما ميتوانيم و بايد به چنين تصميمی برسيم .تجربه خونين ۲۶ سال حاکميت فاشيزم مذهبی و هزينه های سنگين انسانی و مادی حاصل از ان ما را به اين انتخاب تاريخی و سرنوست ساز رسانده است.

Sunday, June 26, 2005



Monday, June 20, 2005

rishkhande mullayan

(NOTE:this text is in persian with english lettres).aknun 26 sal ast ke regime sheytanie mullayan sarzamin ahuraiie mara eshgal nemudeand va baraye baqaye khod az hich jenayati ferugozari nakardeand.karname seyah va nangin anan bar hichkas pushide nist.chegune ast ke dar in asr azadi va demokrasi moshti mollaye pir va fartut inchenin sadde rah tohaqoqe arezuhaye 70 million ensan irani shodeand?dar in doure hasas tarikhi ke nasim azadi sarasar mantaqe ra fara gerefte ast,mullayan ba anjam kheyme shab baziye entekhabati az demokrasi dini sokhan miguyand.natije entekhabate nemayeshi 27 khordad rishkhand mullayan be jahan azad va mellat iran ast.in goruh ahrimani be ma miguyand "tahrim konid"amma ma qodrat on ra darim ke harke ra ke bekhahim az del sanduqhaye ray dar avarim.hal masuliyat tarikhiye mellat iran chist?hamvatan!faribe tablighate derughin mullayan ra nakhorid,goruhe mafiaii qodrat be rahbariye khamenei va hamdasti digar rahbaran vabaste tamamiye abzarhaye qazaii,amneyati ,qanungozari,tablighati va siasi ra dar ekhtyar darand va bar tebqe yek senario az pish tayin shode say dar kashandan zaheri mardom be paye sanduqhay ray jahat mashruiyatbakhshi be in band jenayatkar darand.rafsenjani,ahmadinejad,karubi va digaran sar va tah yek karbasand,onha hame dar tul in salha dar dayere baste qodrat sharik va har kodam az onha amalkard siahi az koshtar va jenayat darand .behush bashid!in yek forsat tarikhi ast,tahrim kamel in bazi payam roushani be tamam donyast ke mellat iran az in hakemiyate ahrimani jedast va khahan yariye jahane azad baraye rahaii az in estebdade khashen mazhabi mibashad.tahrime entekhabate farmayeshi raye na be in nezame puside va zede ensani ast va mitavanad yek refrandome geyre rasmi baraye nafye in regime terroriste akhondi bashad.hamvatan!kami ghirat!kami hemmat!mullayane terrorist sarmast az qodrat adaye demokrasi va entekhabate azad ra dar miavarand va be ma rishkhand mizanand.ma nik midanim ke in yek bazi bish nist va in jenayatkaran ma ra dar yek hesare shisheii mahsur kardeand va rahe zendegiye behtar ra bar ma sad nemudeand.hamvatan!kami ghirat!azadi haqe mast ,ma sezavare dashtane yek jamea demokrat va azad va morafah va qodratmand hastim,chizi ke mullayane fased baraye yek roba qarn mara az dashtan on mahrum kardeand.emruz sherkat dar in bazi khayanat be tarikh va naslhaye ayande ast.be donya sabet konim ke in regime sheytani namshru va raftanist.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Students and civil disobedience front

Anykind of participation in this electoral show is contrary to our national interests.The function of İran Freedom Movement and the so-called National-Religious forces is a clear proof of their opportunism character and indicates their treacherousness nature in this critical point of our history.They have been always ready to collaborate with lords of power to gain some positions and priviliges and therefore their contribution to the system is an evident meaning of treachery and they must be responsible for it in the future.İT İS A GREAT SİN.The active and alert students as true speakers of İranian masses acknowledged rightly the substance and sructure of this religious despotism as essential factor for fundamental difficulties of our society and with a revolutionary move have chosen a clear and transparent attitude regarding boycott of the regime's ordered election.Their act is in direction with general oppinions of iran's nation.They are trying to unite dissident forces of social different layers on basis of liberal-democracy and human values.İt is a great work and praiseworthy.And now,the border is going to be distinguished;İran Freedom Movement and the named National-Religious forces in conspiracy with so-called govermental reformists(participation front)have decided to take part in this play(that its result is clear heretofore).They want to give legitimacy to Anti-national function of this regime and from the other part,by misusing of democracy and human rights slogan want to disarm young and active forces that are resorting to passive resistance and civil disobedience for regime'change.İt is an obvious treason and unforgiveable sin that İran's nation never forget.Khatami's project and his scandalized defeat for duration of Mullah's rule is a historic event and unforgettable.This non-elected group and ruling maphiaist band have control over all security,judiciary,financial,propagandistic and legislation tools and easily don't yield to nation's lawful demands.The best choice for our nation and our progressive generation is to boycott this puppet show and start direct struggle against the regime.Patriotism demands that we try to form a great coalition of all liberal forces and our vanguards could be brave students that with moral heroism are fighting in this civil battlefield.On the opposite point,opportunists and traitors in collusion with this oppressive regime are trying to form a new project for survival of this falling system.They introduce themselves under the forged name of democracy and human rights front.But,they debase themselves and troube us.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


LA PESTE is literary work of french great philosopher Albert Camou and is about a plague-stricken town.İn my view this book gives a true picture of social'conditions of İRAN at this time.İ recommend it to everyone that is inclined to understand the situation of Mullah-stricken society of İRAN.Of course this book has profound meanings of philosophical thoughts that presents writer's regard toward life,death and struggle but it could be dramatized to closed,ailing and limited societies under rule of dictators.İ have lived among the iranian masses and i have witnessed the annihilation of iranian culture and i have seen objective results of Mullahs'destructive policies.And now,my brothers,my sisters,my comrades,my fathers,my mothers,all of my iranian countrymen let's think about the future of our children and don't let these fresh and delicate flowers be faded and withered in this plague-stricken land.POURİAS,NASRİNS,NASTARANS,KİMİAS,GHAZALS,SAMİRAS,EHSANS,SORUSHES wish a happy and loveley world but they would not have a better fate than us if we stay indifferent,inactive and passive.İt is all enough.We have been burnt but if we want a better and brighter future for our children then stand up.This dark night will pass and shining day waits for us.