Friday, April 04, 2014

Buried 'Lake Superior' seen on Saturn's moon Enceladus - space - 03 April 2014 - New Scientist

Buried 'Lake Superior' seen on Saturn's moon Enceladus - space - 03 April 2014 - New Scientist

They found that Enceladus has a rocky core and an icy
crust. "Before, we knew almost nothing about the core beyond its likely
existence. Now we know roughly how big it is, and also that it has a
surprisingly low density," says team member Francis Nimmo
at the University of California, Santa Cruz. "That might be due to open
fractures, or low-density hydrated minerals like clays. Either answer
suggests that the rock has been in substantial contact with water, for
instance allowing minerals to dissolve, and explaining the salty ice
grains we see coming out of the surface."
The team also found that the southern
hemisphere has a stronger gravitational pull than its topography would
suggest. That could be explained by a localised sea, sitting beneath 35
kilometres of ice and up to 8 kilometres deep. It would contain about as
much water as Lake Superior in North America.

Destination, Enceladus?

If there might be life there, when can we go?
Cassini winds down in three years and there are no firm plans for
future craft to return to Saturn. However, Cassini team member Carolyn Porco at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado, has written a paper (soon to appear in the journal Astrobiology)
arguing for a mission to collect samples from Enceladus and return them
to Earth. She says the new results bode well for such an effort. "The
next mission there can immediately get down to the business of searching
for signs of life or its precursor chemistry. It's a big juncture!"
The subsurface-sea idea is just the simplest possible interpretation of the gravity data, cautions William McKinnon
at Washington University in St Louis, who was not involved in the work.
If the sea exists, there is the question of how long it has been liquid
and whether it might eventually freeze – or spray itself away. The
former is important as life would require the sustained presence of
water to gain a toehold.
As for the possibility of the sea freezing
completely, it is true that Enceladus is losing a lot of heat to space,
but astronomers suspect that this is an unusual episode. "We are
looking at Enceladus at a wonderful special time, where it's very active
and there's a lot of heat," McKinnon says.
Could the plumes deplete the sea
completely? Probably not. Even if they continue at the current rate, the
moon would only have lost 30 per cent of its water by mass when the sun
becomes a red giant in 6 billion years. "A lot of things can happen in 6
billion years, and it may shut off long before then, although the idea
of this thing blowing all of its ice away and becoming a little rocky
moon is kind of nice," Lunine says. "Some future extraterrestrials
visiting our solar system will be able to look at the naked rocky core
of what was once an ice moon."

Gravitational Waves: The Big Bang's Smoking Gun |

Gravitational Waves: The Big Bang's Smoking Gun |

Direct evidence

In 2014, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics found a faint signal in the cosmic microwave background
radiation (CMB) that signifies the first direct evidence of
gravitational waves ever discovered. Gravitational waves were the last
untested part of Einstein's general theory of relativity.

The Harvard-Smithsonian study spotted gravitational waves as ripples in
space-time possible left over from the rapid expansion of the universe
(called inflation) right after the Big Bang nearly 13.8 billion years ago.

Scientists working on the study found a distinct curling pattern
in the CMB — the comic fog that fills the universe and represents the
earliest detectable radiation — that further supports the idea that the
universe went through a huge period of inflation a fraction of a second
after the Big Bang.

"This work offers new insights into some of our most basic questions:
Why do we exist? How did the universe begin?," astrophysicist Avi Loeb,
who wasn't a member of the study team said in a statement about the
Harvard-Smithsonian research. "These results are not only a smoking gun
for inflation, they also tell us when inflation took place and how
powerful the process was."

Cosmic inflation

CMB radiation came into existence about 380,000 years after the Big
Bang. Scientists have mapped the CMB across the sky and found that it is
a uniform temperature, evidence that bolsters cosmic inflation theory.

"Why the cosmic microwave background temperature is the same at
different spots in the sky would be a mystery if it was not for
inflation saying, well, our whole sky came from this tiny region," Chuck
Bennett, principal investigator of NASA's Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission, told in 2013. "So the idea of
inflation helps answer some of these mysteries, and it explains where
these fluctuations came from." ['Smoking Gun' of Universe's Inflation: Gravitational Waves (Infographic)]