Friday, August 11, 2006


I hope that oneday the free world come to this point that it is a bunch of terrorist Mullahs in Iran that is main causer of all troubles in the Middle East and also in the world.We have not to forget that who kidnapped and murdered William kasi,who exploded American embassy and Marine site in LEBONAN.I know and feel with all my entity what these murderer Mullahs have done during the last decades in my burned homeland,IRAN.This criminal group is the main supporter of terrorism,active enemy of peace and stability in the region and now trying to make fire for their plan in making the nuclear weapon as soon as possible.Yes,i never forget the crimes of mullahs ,especially massacre of political prisoners and hope that the free world also take in mind that till this satanic regime is in power the world never will see the peace and prosperity.They have borned with crisis and will continue with crisis.There is no need to search for documents,mullahs "actions and sayings in this period of history is a valid evidence of their dirthy evil.It is a world war between good and evil camps and surely.Iranian people are by the side of goods and warmly press any hand that comes towards us for help.The Lebonan is a field of this destiny-making war and we have to decide and act commonly as fighters of freedom and humanity.