Monday, May 30, 2005


İ know the hunger ruins the dream but i must sing so,and the prison darken the dream but i must sing so,and the death kills the dream but i must sing so.(Nazem hekmat) .. Mr.Ganji is at hunger strike and in direct struggle with murderer Mullahs.He is hungry,alon and ill in a solitary cell but he is going to be a model of resistance against this barbarous and unhuman regime.Apart from probable differences of our ideolgical and political opinions,it is responsibility of all enlightened consciences in İRAN and the world that should support his rightful demands and ask for immediate release of him and other political prisoners.İ have been in prison for years and i feel Mr. Ganji'sufferings with all my being.İn my view he were detached from the ruling system when wrote bravely about general massacre of political prisoners in sixty decade,and now, i as one of the survivers of that brutal crime praise and support him.We have common ideal,we want a free ,secular and democratic İran.We know that this system is irreformable and we need a fundamental change that is overthrow of the regime.İ think it is the time for our people to come to the scene.Mr. Ganji's hunger strike is a great lesson of resistance and disobedience to us. Untill how long we can stay indifferent and silent?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Complete boycotting of this ordered election

Boycotting of election's play could be a nationwide move to scandalize Mullahs and also could be a turning point in new movement of iranian to reach freedom,democracy and justice.This act would be a great show of civil disobedience.non-participation in this regim's ordered show is a clear message to all the world that iranian are willing the end of this black nightmare.With a collective resolution and a national will we are going to boycot this regime'ordered election and declare our complete separation from this unlawful and unhumane regime.İt is a civil battlefield between a dissatisfied and freedom- seeker nation in encounter with an oppressive ,imposed and criminal minority.