Wednesday, April 27, 2005

War on terroe(3)

The focal point and central headquarters of terrorism network is government of Mullahs in İRAN.There is a long list of terrorist actions that this reactionary group have been doing against iranian and the world during the recent decades.They have also a secret program to make nuclear weapons and here the danger shows itself.Undoubtedly,they will obtain it if relevant international authorities and some European countries so conform and manage business with them.Their access to nuclear weapon is a great threat to peace and stability of the world.For this important reason Mullah's file must be bring up at UNsecurity council and necessary action should be taken in this ground.İt is not too late yet.Certainly,without participation of a democratic and free İRAN in this historic process of democratization in the islamic world it is impossible to defeat fundamentalist terrorist and stablishment of a new order in the Middle East.İRAN,a historic and great nation with holy believes(good thought,good words,good deed)always has been in good camp and in the eternal battle between good and evil presses hand of any friend that be streched towards us.This terrorist group of mullahs are main cause of insecurity in the region.Their intervene in Afghanistan,İraq,Lebonan and Palestine,their opposition to peace plan of Middle East and their support for terrorist groups such as Hezb-allah,Hamas and Jahad-islami is obvious and clear.The United States of America must not forget explosion of its marine site in Beirut!and now,the embankments of Mullahs are collapsing one after another.The encounter time will come to happen.The main question is why the free world has forgotten iranian people?Of course,trade transactions and oil contracts are very profitable for some of the countries?!......Our nation is completely separated from the ruling group.A great uprising against MULLAHS will occur and İRAN will be freed.The outside world and great powers must understand this and clarify their positions and policies.We will consider this important matter in our future relations with others.This cancerous tumor will be removed and all of us will get rid of Mullah's evil.A grave and awful consequence is waiting for these murderer and terrorist Mullahs.They will be burnt in fire and eruption of our nation's rage,soon or late.